Professor Nicholas de Lange is the author of Origen and the Jews (1976), Apocrypha: Jewish Literature of the Hellenistic Age (1978), Judaism (1986, 2003), Greek Jewish Texts from the Cairo Genizah (1996) and The Penguin Dictionary of Judaism (2008). He is also the editor of An Illustrated History of the Jewish People (1997) and Hebrew Scholarship and the Middle Ages (2001) and co-editor of Ignaz Maybaum: A Reader (2001) and Modern Judaism: an Oxford Guide (2005). He is the Co-chairman of the Seminar in Hebrew, Jewish and Early Christian Studies and Co-editor of the Bulletin of Judaeo-Greek Studies. Professor de Lange directed the ‘The Greek Bible in Byzantine Judaism’ project, an AHRC-funded collaborative project between Cambridge and Kings' College (London) Centre for Computing in the Humanities (CCH). Professor Nicholas de Lange is the Principal investigator on the ERC-funded ‘Mapping the Jewish Communities of the Byzantine Empire’ project and ‘Medieval Hebrew inscriptions from the Byzantine Empire’ conducted under the auspices of the Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes. His main research interests are in the history and culture of Greek-speaking Jewry through the ages.
Professor de Lange is also a translator of contemporary Hebrew fiction; selected translations include: Amos Oz, My Michael (1972), Black Box (1988), The Same Sea (2002), A Tale of Love and Darkness (2005); A. B. Yehoshua, Journey to the End of the Millennium (1999); S. Yizhar, Preliminaries (2007).
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